Message from the Founder
Dear JJCCF Friends,
I heard my calling to create the Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation (JJCCF) shortly after I lost my only child to cancer in 2003. From my experience with Jessie, I understand how a parent’s life can immediately turn upside down when a child is diagnosed with cancer. Parents are faced with a devastating emotional strain that is often followed by a financial crisis. The added financial pressures can make it difficult for a hard-working family to pay for basic human necessities while a child battles cancer. As a result, the Foundation was created to honor my daughter Jessica’s memory by helping children in need get the care they deserve.
I thank Jessica for deeply inspiring me. Although the loss of a child is the most difficult pain with which to live, I thank God daily for giving me a strong new purpose and a reason for being. The JJCCF seed I planted in 2004 has grown, flourished, and reached new heights in the passage of time. I want to thank all contributors, volunteers, and collaborating organizations for their continued support and for helping me make JJCCF what it is today. Together, we are able to provide supportive care services and direct financial assistance for children in need while becoming their voice in the community.
While I am proud of the direct impact we’re making, I am committed to grow the Foundation to help more families with increased financial assistance in the coming years. As we work together to combat this deadly disease, it is promising to know that the mortality rate for many childhood cancers continues to decline. The combined 5-year survival rate for all childhood cancer improved from 50% prior to the 1970s to nearly 90% today. Survival rates are increasing, however, many low-income families are unable to provide the level of care required to maximize the probability of survival. As a result, the Foundation is committed to providing financial assistance for families in need—because every child deserves an equal opportunity to fight this disease.
We encourage you to support our efforts in providing emergency financial assistance for low income children fighting cancer. In short, your contribution will give these children added hope along with access to basic living necessities—all while increasing the chance of survival.
Thank you for your consideration, love, and support.

Sandra Muvdi