Meredith, 5-year-old, Alex’s Place at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
Meredith has been battling Stage IV metastatic Neuroblastoma for over one year. She has endured two Bone Marrow Transplants, multiple rounds of chemotherapy / radiation and treatment for her affected kidney. Only one of her kidneys works partially. This courageous child is being treated with Immunotherapy. Although she has a long road to recovery, Meredith continues to smile and vigorously fight for her life.
Shortly before Meredith’s cancer diagnosis, her mother received a bachelor’s degree in nursing, but is unable to work given the fulltime care Meredith requires. When the timing is right, she is anxious to become a pediatric oncology nurse and giving back to families that are in her situation.
While Meredith’s mother is unable to work, family needs help paying for food and other basic needs such as gas for transportation and rent.