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Vote for JJCCF to Win Community Choice Award


Your VOTE is a Win for Children Fighting Cancer – it’s free/ takes 15 sec

Dear JJCCF Friend,

We are thrilled to share the Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation (JJCCF) has been nominated for the Charity Navigator Community Choice Awards. Only top-rated charities (4-stars/ 4-beacons) can participate. Your vote will help us gain recognition and support for children fighting cancer.


Our 4-star rating (highest) and unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and effectiveness earned us the nomination. This accomplishment wouldn’t have been possible without your trust and support.


But our journey is not complete – we need your vote to secure this award! Charity Navigator (the nation’s largest/ most trusted nonprofit evaluator) will showcase the (4) winning charities on their website for (1) year, emails to their audience of donors, social media posts and press release. Please encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to vote as well – every vote matters!


Thank you for standing with us on this exciting opportunity. Together, we can continue to make a lasting impact on families battling childhood cancer.

With gratitude,

Sandra Muvdi

Sandra Muvdi, MBA


P.S. You can learn more about Charity Navigator Community Choice Awards here

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