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Holiday Newsletter

Dear JJCCF Friends,I am sharing two stories of “Holiday Love”.  Elijah & Felix are two of forty six children assisted by JJCCF during 2009.  One of our volunteers, Phillip Biber, met with a special child and his mother to provide them with JJCCF financial assistance.  Please read Phillip’s testimony and view photo as it will warm your heart and remind you of how fortunate you are.  Count your blessings and don’t take what you have for granted.  Others at our footsteps are living an alternative life which I hope none of us has to ever experience.  While I spoke to Elijah’s Mom today, he was crying in the background about having to receive cancer treatment at the hospital Christmas eve and day.

Thank you for your ongoing support.  Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year.

Sandra Muvdi
President /Founder

Phillip Biber wrote on 11/23/09 after meeting Elijah, a ten-year old fighting Osteosarcoma (Bone Cancer) & Retinoblastoma (Eye Cancer):

“On Saturday morning I visited with Lillian and Elijah in Miami.  They are currently staying near the hospital (Jackson-one of eight JJCCF partner Hospitals) at Ronald McDonald House, a residence of last resort for patient’s families that cannot afford sustainable rental housing.  Elijah’s mother is totally blind and unable to work due to the full time responsibility she has to care for her son who is receiving chemotherapy.  Her son is also blind in one eye and wheelchair bound.  You would think that people in this situation would be moody, unpleasant and distraught.   After all, what are the chances of being blind, caring for a son with cancer who has now lost vision in one of his eyes and being economically destitute?  We had a wonderful time together and this mother and son were beyond gracious and pleasant.  What a team the two of them are.  A mother helping a son with his adversity while the son provides his mother the visual help to function with her own disability.

As a volunteer who is delivering fulfillment of a dire need to a family in crisis; I am receiving something that we are all in dire need of ourselves.  It’s a need to make a difference and understand life beyond the walls of self interest.  We are witnessing amazing acts of selfless love.  Families that have given everything to help their children.  Families on the brink of poverty relinquishing every material possession to save their children.  This is true reality; not a “reality show” but life at its utter core and I am privileged to be a witness to it.  We are all in dire need to be exposed to love beyond that of ourselves and possessions.  To see it, and begin to understand it is a life changing experience and one that transfers the notion of being a volunteer to being a happy participant and witness to some of the greatest acts of love the world will never see. “

Please Consider Making a Year End Tax-Deductible Contribution
Help Support the Sustainability of Health & Human Services for Local Children in Need Fighting Cancer

*Mail: Check payable to “JJCCF”
Address: Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation
Broward General Medical Center
1600 S. Andrews Ave.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

Meet Felix, three-year old fighting Rhabdomyosarcoma:

Felix’s Mom (Single Mom Needs Transportation for Child Missing Cancer Treatment) gets new car on 12-16-09 thanks to JJCCF contributors, collaborating charities & Channel 10 viewers.  Story will air on ABC CH10 the week of Dec. 28th.  Video segment will be posted on JJCCF facebook group soon after it airs.