Dear JJCCF Friends,In this newsletter, you will see the faces of forty children for whom the Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation provided direct assistance in 2008.
2008 was a great fundraising year thanks to the 3rd Annual Fancy Jeans social event along with generous contributions from private foundations, corporations, and individuals. Due to current economiccircumstances, we will be canceling our annual Fancy Jeans fundraising in 2009; however, we will continue to work relentlessly to support underprivileged children. That is why we need your helpmore than ever.
Please help us by contributing to the Foundation. No amount is too small.
Your tax-deductible contribution will directly benefit underprivileged children with cancer. Moreover, your support will give these children hope along with access to basic human needs, thus increasing the likelihood of survival. All contributions are sincerely appreciated.
Thank you for your consideration, love, and support.
Sandra Muvdi
Founder / President