Thank you for your kind consideration and ongoing support. Together we are helping save one child at a time.
Sandra Muvdi, President/ Founder
*Online DonationJJCCF’s secure donation page requires just a couple of clicks & you can choose your donation In Honor of “4 children battling cancer” or an individual child’s name. Visit or just click on the “Donate” button above.
*Mail check payable to “JJCCF.” Please memo “4 children battling cancer” or an individual child’s name and mail to: Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation, Broward Health Medical Center, 1600 South Andrews Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
Advocacy Program -Children with Urgent Needs:
1) Aliah, 2 Y/O, Broward Health Medical Center (see her photo above)
Aliah is a happy girl who blows kisses with her tiny hand to capture the heart of anyone she meets. In August of 2012, she was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma. This small child endured surgery to remove a tumor, a bone marrow transplant and rigorous chemotherapy leading to remission this past Spring. The nightmare was over.
In August 2013, her mother saw visible lumps on her skull and learned that the Neuroblastoma had returned. Aliah, a very young champion, somehow maintains a sunny disposition as if being sick and in the hospital is just part of her challenging life. While the mother remains strong to support her daughter in her battle, the family of 5 is suffering to sustain basic human needs.
-Quote from mother: “It is really hard to be there for my other children when all my love and strength must go into Aliah’s treatment during this time. We are currently living with my sister in a two bedroom apartment with her children. I am a single mom struggling with this crisis and really need help with food to help feed my family.” Click on this link to read more.
2) Angela, 17 Y/O, The Children’s Hospital at Palms West
Angela was a happy healthy teenager until she was surprisingly diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in March of 2013. Since then life for her and her family has become dramatically more challenging. Angela was immediately removed from school and began rigorous chemotherapy and radiation treatment that eventually eliminated a large tumor on the left side of her neck. The family emotionally exhausted, was relieved that their daughter was saved and their nightmare was over.
Unfortunately, weeks later another tumor was discovered on the right side of Angela’s neck and soon after her father was laid off from his farming job and lost health insurance. The family has been emotionally and financially devasted but yet they remain strong in supporting each other to survive this crisis.
Quote from father: “…Angela was immediately removed from school and required to start chemotherapy and then radiation treatments. After each session she got more and more tired which caused her to fall into depression. My wife had to stop working to help our daughter go through this tough time in her life.” Click on this link to read more.
3) Ahmad, 10 Y/O, Miami Children’s Hospital
Ahmad was leading a normal boy’s life full of activity and laughter with his single father until March of this year when he was diagnosed with a rare from of brain cancer – Diffused Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. Ahmad has a tumor located in his brain stem that connects the rest of his brain with his spinal cord. The tumor can’t be surgically removed and various treatments thus far have not been consistently successful. Ahmad has been released from the hospital and referred to hospice care. This father and son continue to struggle emotionally and also financially given the father can not return to work and must provide 24 hour care. They remain resilient in their battle but need help.
-Quote from father: “…My son was hospitalized at Miami Children’s Hospital and there were many times that I would not eat because I did not want to leave my son’s side while he was going through several severe complications that could have ended his life.” Click on this link to read more.
4) Gabriel, 5 Y/O, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital
Gabriel is a loving child that has already survived a chronic kidney disease and is now battling cancer… both in the first five years of his life. Gabriel was born prematurely with end stage renal disease (ESRD) and his life was threatened for two years until he received a kidney transplant. The experience devastated the family emotionally and financiallly.
Earlier this year in April, Gabriel’s parent’s noticed a mass on his neck and were horrified to learn that it was cancer – Burkitt’s lymphoma. Initially Gabriel’s cancer responded to chemotherapy but recently he suffered a relapse that is threatening his life. Gabriel’s medical needs have forced his mother to stop working again and shoved the family back into financial disaster.
-Quote from mother: “Given all the medical attention Gabriel needed, I was unable to work and our family hit a severe financial hardship. We lost our home and one of our cars.” Click on this link to read more.