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Johns Hopkins Children’s Hospital

Lisa Petrucelli, LCSW
Clinical Social Worker,
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital:

“When a child is initially diagnosed with cancer many parents are not only faced with the overwhelming fear of their child’s health, but they must also face how to financially survive during cancer treatment. Oftentimes there is a significant reduction in a parent’s income, therefore they find themselves unable to pay many household expenses such as mortgage/rent, utilities, food and transportation. The recent emergence of COVID-19 crisis has greatly increased the emotional and financial stress of our families. By being able to connect our parents to the Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation Financial Assistance Program it allows them to focus on their child’s wellbeing, in addition to getting back on their feet during cancer treatment. Many parents express not only their gratitude, but a sense of new hope due to the generosity of others during their most difficult days.”