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Collaborating Charity

Carmengloria Davis,
Case Manager,
Pediatric Oncology Support Team:

“When I refer patients to Sandra/JJCCF, I know the family will be welcomed in a warm, caring way. Oftentimes, I refer a patient for financial help soon after a child’s initial diagnosis when the parents are most fragile. Sandra shares her very personal, honest story with each family referred which helps parents connect, feel heard and seen, and soon after they receive relief. Being able to put someone’s worry at ease, even if only temporarily, is an amazing thing to be able to do for another human. The assistance provided by JJCCF ensures families can keep a roof over their head, food in their refrigerators, gas in the tank to get to treatments, utilities on, and hope – which cannot be quantified. Patients recall the help given years down the road and always speak so highly of their interactions with Sandra and the work done in loving memory of her daughter through JJCCF.”