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Broward Health Medical Center

Melissa Stachowiak, LCSW,
Licensed Clinical Social Worker,
Broward Health Medical Center │Salah Foundation Children’s Hospital:

“Dear Sandra (JJCCF Founder),

I wanted to reach out to say thank you on behalf of the families I work with. As you well know, families of children with cancer are already coping with the most difficult circumstances of their life. Unfortunately, the impact of Covid-19 pandemic has hit these families even harder than ever. When their children were diagnosed, many of these families had already had to make the difficult choice of which parent would take leave from work or reduce work hours to keep up with the strenuous treatment schedules. It has been my experience that they are struggling even more, now that the one working parent has had loss of income due to the pandemic. Even if you may be experiencing reduced donations due to the situation we all find ourselves in, you have never said no to helping these families.

We are thankful more than ever for the assistance, support, and resources that Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation has been providing the families of children affected by cancer.

Thank you!”