Dear JJCCF Friends,
After living a nightmare during my daughter’s cancer journey, and 11 years understanding the distressing experiences of 750 families battling childhood cancer, JJCCF is committed to raising awareness during September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. During this month, please consider contributing to families trying to focus on their child’s survival while struggling to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table; something we often take for granted. What if this was your child and journey? We hope you will never discover a parent’s worst nightmare, “your child has cancer.” No parent ever prepares emotionally or financially for such devastating news. Just $1 dollar will make a difference for these children in crisis especially during this particular time of the year. Your contributions will add up to make significant impact in the lives of these 4 children & their families. Your support will make a difference!
The needs for these families fighting childhood cancer exceed the Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation (JJCCF) limited resources. JJCCF has already provided each family with emergency financial assistance representing basic human needs which is significant, but not sufficient. As an advocate for these children, I am reaching out for outside urgent support (YOUR HELP) so these families can survive a temporary crisis.Giving a tax-deductible donations will support JJCCF during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and directly impact 4 children whose stories are included below. For more information please contact us at (954) 712-6322 or email [email protected] or visit Thank you for your kind consideration and ongoing support. Together we are helping save one child at a time.
Sandra Muvdi, President/ Founder
*Online Donation JJCCF’s secure donation page requires just a couple of clicks & you can choose your donation In Honor of “5 children” or an individual child’s name. Visit or just click on the “Donate” button above.
*Mail check payable to “JJCCF.” Please memo “5 children” or an individual child’s name and mail to: Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation, Broward Health Medical Center, 1600 South Andrews Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
Advocacy Program – Children with Urgent Needs:
1) Hieu, 3 Y/O, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital (see her photo above)
Hieu is a gentle 3 Y/O boy who has the warmth of a Teddy Bear that captures the heart of anyone he meets. He was diagnosed on 5/2014 with Leukemia after being taken to the ER for a sore throat, fever and bloody nose. Hieu then began a 3 year chemotherapy program that has required many hospitalizations. His mother has been unable to work since last year due to Hieu’s medical treatment requirements. This has caused a financial crisis in providing basic needs for her family of 6.
-Quote from mother: “I have not been able to work at my job because I need to bring my son for treatments. I am a single parent with 5 children and any support would be so greatly appreciated.” read more.
2) Solomon 1Y/O, alex’s place/UM/Jackson Memorial Medical Center

Solomon was diagnosed in January with Leukemia before his 1st birthday. He began a 3 year chemotherapy program that has required many hospitalizations. The medical debt continues to rise as his single mother is unable to work due to Solomon’s many treatment appointments and special care required. Not being able to afford a home of their own, Solomon and his mother live with his maternal grandparents.
-Quote from mother: “…this situation has put a strain on our finances by increasing the amount of money spent on his special diet, transportation, and medical expenses.” read more.
3) Adrian, 12 Y/O, Jackson Memorial Medical Center

Adrian is a kind boy that suffered in his battle with Leukemia for 4 years and ultimately celebrated his victory just before his 11th birthday 8/2014. Tragically, Adrian learned on 7/2015 he had relapsed and would have to endure another multi-year chemotherapy program and possibly a bone marrow transplant. Once again, his single mother is unable to work due to Adrian’s medical treatment requirements and may have to relocate to Miami to stay at her son’s side.
-Quote from mother: “July 15th, 2015 we received the devastating news that Adrian’s leukemia had returned and that he would have to begin the same battle all over again. His treatments are in Miami and we live in Belle Glade.” read more.
4) Isaiah, 14 Y/O, alex’s place/UM/Jackson Memorial Medical Center

Isaiah was a star basketball player until he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (Stage 3) on 2/2014. Isaiah and his parents were shocked and devastated by the severity of the cancer diagnosis and the immediate chemo treatment that followed in order to save his life. After reaching remission for a few months, Isaiah relapsed on 5/2015 and once again his life was in danger. Isaiah’s parents have been overwhelmed watching their son suffer while the stress associated with the medical debt continues to rise.
-Quote from mother: “…we were not prepared mentally, emotionally or financially for round two, just one year later.” read more.