Dear JJCCF Friends,
During this time to be thankful, please consider contributing to families trying to focus on their child’s survival while struggling to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. What if this was your child? We hope you will never discover a parent’s worst nightmare, “your child has cancer.” No parent ever prepares emotionally or financially for such devastating news. Just $1 dollar will make a difference for these children in crisis especially during this time of the year. Your contributions will add up to make a significant impact in the lives of these 9 children & their families. Your support will make a difference!
The needs for these families fighting childhood cancer exceed the Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation (JJCCF) limited resources to assist them. JJCCF has already provided each family with emergency financial assistance representing basic human needs which is significant, but not sufficient. As an advocate for these children, I am reaching out for outside urgent support (YOUR HELP) so that these families can survive a temporary crisis during the holidays…
Giving a gift card for food / gas or a tax-deductible donation would be greatly appreciated. If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact us at (954)712-6322 or email [email protected]. For more information about JJCCF’s impactful mission visit

Thank you for your kind consideration and ongoing support. Together we are helping save one child at a time.
Sandra Muvdi, President/ Founder
*Online Donation JJCCF’s secure donation page requires just a couple of clicks & you can choose your donation In Honor of “9 children” or an individual child’s name. Visit or just click on the “Donate” button above.
*Mail check payable to “JJCCF.” Please memo “9 children” or an individual child’s name and mail to: Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation, Broward Health, 1600 South Andrews Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
Advocacy Program – Children with Urgent Needs:
1) Cameron, 5 Y/O, The Children’s Hospital at Palms West (see his photo above)

Cameron is a curious 5 y/o boy diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Spine (malignant tumors) in the Spring of 2013. Given the special care that Cameron’s aggressive cancer demands, his mother has only been able to work part-time forcing the family to live with with his grandparents.
-Quote from mother: “Cameron was diagnosed, at age 3 1/2, with Rhabdo. What a punch in the gut that was!” read more.
2) Daiana, 15 Y/O, alex’s place/Jackson Memorial Hospital

Daiana was enjoying a normal teenage life until she was diagnosed with Leukemia just after Christmas day in 2012…since then her mother has not been able to return to work due to Daiana’s health care needs. Last month the family received the devastating news that Daiana’s father also has Leukemia and will be unable to work until he recovers.
Quote from mother: “My husband was also diagnosed with cancer two weeks ago. His cancer is Chronic Leukemia!” read more.
3) Kamilah, 3 Y/O, The Children’s Hospital at Palms West

Kamilah is a sunny 3 y/o with a tiny smile that captures the hearts of everyone she meets. Kamilah has been battling Leukemia for 14 months which forced her mother to work part-time in order to care for her. Recently, her father moved out of the home, leaving Kamilah’s mother to become the primary financial provider.
-Quote from mother: “She is so brave. Her sister is eight years old. This has been a very stressful and heartbreaking journey for all of us.” read more.
4) Javaris, 16 Y/O, Jackson Memorial Hospital

As this teen dreams of becoming a singer, the last four years he has been fighting many inoperable tumors that have spread from his brain to his spine. The chemo helped but ultimately a life-saving stem cell transplant was required in 2012. In May of this year, Javaris relapsed…more brain tumors were discovered. Javaris’ grandmother has been his only guardian most of his life and has had little opportunity to work the past 4 years due to Javaris’ healthcare demands.
-Quote from grandmother: “I don’t have a car and reside in Pompano Beach, FL and it is very hard to manage money, pay bills, and find transportation to travel down to and from Miami, FL for Javaris’ medical appointments.” read more.
5) Nicholas, 5 Y/O, alex’s place/Jackson Memorial Hospital

Nicholas was diagnosed when he was only 3 y/o. He began a 3 year chemo program but in January of this year his parent’s were devastated to learn that he had relapsed and now must start over with a new more agressive 3 year chemo program.
-Quote from mother: “Due to our son’s illness, my husband and I are trying our best to care for our son, attend clinic visits/hospital and continue our lives the best we can, for our son’s wellbeing.” read more.
6) Gabriela, 13 Y/O, Miami Children’s Hospital

Gabriela was an excited child looking forward to her 13th birthday but 3 days before she was diagnosed with Leukemia and her life was now at risk. Gabriela’s care required her mother to stop working which has left the family of 7 with only the father’s income. The emotional and financial stress continues to escalate.
Quote from Gabriela: “On 7/13/14, I was having bad headaches and went to the ER where an MRI revealed a blood clot in my brain. I have been on blood thinners for over a month and since finding the blood clot in my brain, I now have to inject myself twice a day for the next 3 months and continue with my chemo.” read more.
7) Leonardo, 6 Y/O, Miami Children’s Hospital

Leonardo was enjoying a normal young boy’s life until the Fall of 2013 when he began to walk with a limp and have flu symptoms. The parent’s received the tragic diagnosis in January 2014 that their son had cancer – Leukemia. Due to Leonardo’s fragile medical circumstances and frequent hospitalizations and treatments, Leonardo’s mother had no choice but to leave her job as a teacher to care for him. His father also can no longer work as a cross-country truck driver given that he now has to care for thier other children as well.
-Quote from mother: “It was one of my lowest darkest life moments when they confirmed that he had cancer.” read more.
8) D’Quan, 12 Y/O, Miami Children’s Hospital

D’Quan was an active 11 y/o boy enjoying sports in the Bahamas then a visit to a South Florida Hospital revealed that he had Leukemia. He then suffered a shocking partial paralysis of the lower extremities after a medical procedure the following week… leading to his inability to walk. In July 2013, D’Quan had to be airlifted from the Bahamas to Miami and rushed to Miami Children’s Hospital – D’quan had relapsed and now needed a life-saving bone marrow transplant.
-Quote from father: “I’m D’Quan’s primary caretaker and I’ve been here with him throughout this entire time, but I’m also financially exhausted, without any form of income to pay our current bills and expenses.” read more.
9) D’mani, 7 Y/O, Broward Health Medical Center

D’mani, his mother and his two siblings moved to S FL from the U.S. Virgin Island’s seeking a better life. One week after arriving in the U.S., D’mani’s mother took him to get a physical in order to enroll him into school. To her horror, she learned D’mani had a life threatening cancer – Leukemia. Since then, he has been in and out of the hospital and unable to attend school due to his fragile immune system.
-Quote from mother: “I got a crippling wound to my heart when I was informed that my son was diagnosed with Leukemia. My life as I knew it changed drastically, I felt as if I was existing instead of living and from that point on, our day to day living has been challenging.” read more.