Dear JJCCF Friends,
As we enjoy our Summer and begin to prepare for the Fall (back to school etc.), please also consider contributing to families trying to focus on their child’s survival while struggling to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. What if this was your child? We hope you will never discover a parent’s worst nightmare, “your child has cancer.” No parent ever prepares emotionally or financially for such devastating news. Just $1 dollar will make a difference for Marjorie, Ameer, La’zorah, Leandro, Brandii and Ashley. Your contributions will add up to make a significant impact in the lives of these 6 children & their families. Your support will make a difference! The needs for these families fighting childhood cancer exceed the Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation (JJCCF) limited resources to assist them. JJCCF has already provided each family with emergency financial assistance representing basic human needs which is significant, but not sufficient. As an advocate for these children, I am reaching out for outside urgent support (YOUR HELP) so that these families can survive a temporary crisis.
Giving gift cards for food / gas or tax-deductible donations would be greatly appreciated. If you have any suggestions or questions, please contact us at (954)712-6322 or email [email protected]. For more information about JJCCF’s impactful mission visit us at

Thank you for your kind consideration and your ongoing support. You are making a difference.
Sandra Muvdi, President/ Founder
*Online Donation JJCCF’s secure donation page requires just a couple of clicks & you can choose your donation In Honor of “6 children battling cancer” or an individual child’s name. Visit or just click on the “Donate” button above.
*Mail check payable to “JJCCF.” Please memo “6 children battling cancer” or an individual child’s name and mail to: Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation, Broward Health,1600 South Andrews Ave, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316
1) Marjorie, 16Y/O, Broward Health Medical Center (see her photo above)
Marjorie is an amazing teen who’s smile and optimism are contagious. She was diagnosed with Leukemia (AML – a very aggressive blood cancer) in November 2011. In addition, she was also diagnosed with a rare ulcerating skin disease identified as Pyoderma Gangrenosum. This skin condition causes deep painful ulcers to develop in many areas of the body. Many of these ulcers developed into chronic wounds that scar or can take months to heal. Marjorie struggled physically and emotionally with the combined chemotherapy program and rigorous steroid therapy in 2012 to emerge as a weary cancer champion. The cancer battle was finally over.
Earlier this year, her parents received the heart breaking conclusion that Marjorie’s Leukemia had returned for the third time and that she would immediately have to begin another more aggressive chemotherapy program that would include a Bone Marrow Transplant. Due to Marjorie’s fragile medical circumstances involving her infections and frequent hospitalizations her mother is still unable to work. This devastating stress this family of six has endured for nearly three years has come to a peak.
-Quote from sister: “I would like to take the opportunity to share the story of the most courageous young woman that I have been blessed to know and love, my little sister Marjorie. Her story begins in 2011. Marjorie was a very joyful teenager that enjoyed the simple things in life. She was very active in her school and in her church, participating in various activities in a given week. This all came to a halt when she was diagnosed with AML in Nov. of 2011.” Click on this link to read more.
2) Ameer, 12 Y/O, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital

Ameer was your typical active child until he was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma (a rare bone cancer) in March of 2012. Since then Ameer has endured an aggressive chemotherapy treatment, intense physical therapy and special radiation treatment offered in Jacksonville, Florida (300 miles away from his home). Ameer’s father lost his job due to the time and care required to support Ameer in his battle with cancer. Without the father’s income, this family of five struggles to pay their monthly rent and avoid eviction while grappling with the emotional threat of this rare cancer.
Quote from father: “…due to his treatment, I have lost my job and having financial difficulties, especially paying rent. Therefore, I please request if I can get any financial help to pay rent. Thanks a million for those who are by my side in this hardship.” Click on this link to read more.
3) La’zorah, 2 Y/O, Broward Health Medical Center

La’zorah is a 2 Y/O that was diagnose with Leukemia in February of last year. Her single mom was already struggling to make ends meet when she was informed that her daughter had cancer and would require special care that would prevent her from working. Since then, the family has struggled day to day with the cancer & chemotherapy and month to month to maintain minimum basic human needs. The frequent chemotherapy complications and hospitalizations have challenged their hopes and they are still striving to find a home for them live on their own.
-Quote from mother: “…my daughter La’zorah was diagnosed with ALL at only 15 months old. This took a turn for the worst for our family. We face hard times and had to live in the hospital for three weeks.”Click on this link to read more.
4) Leandro, 7 Y/O, Miami Children’s Hospital

Leandro was a happy healthy boy until he was surprisingly diagnosed with Leukemia (AML – a very aggressive type of leukemia) in February of 2012. Since then, his life has become dramatically more challenging. Over the past year he has endured a rigorous chemotherapy program leading to a bone marrow transplant. His cancer treatment has weakened him such he has spent many days and weeks in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). This devastation has required his mother to stop working since February of 2012 and his father (who is a migrant worker) is unable to consistently obtain more funds to help with the loss of income. They have struggled every month with paying their monthly rent, feeding their children and raising money for gas to get to and from the hospital. The combined emotional and financial stress on the family of five has been extremely challenging.
-Quote from Mother: “My son, Leandro, is presently in PICU. His Father works as a migrant worker and I am unemployed. First and foremost, we need help with food and gas to travel back and forth to hospital. About 3 months ago our telephone was disconnected and we need a help to turn it back on.”Click on this link to read more.
5) Brandii, 7 Y/O, Jackson Memorial Hospital

Brandii has been struggling with an aggressive blood cancer, Leukemia (AML), since April 17, 2012. She has endured intensive chemotherapy leading to a life-saving Bone Marrow Transplant in February of this year. Brandii has been hospitalized since the transplant due to complications but may soon be released. While her family remains strong to support Brandii in her battle, they are severely suffering financially.
-Quote from Mother: “Shortly after Brandii was diagnosed I was forced to stop working. Recently, Brandii had a bone marrow transplant on February 21, 2013. Since the hospitalization things have become so much harder. At this moment I’m undergoing a financial hardship and I am reaching out for any type of financial assistance available to me and my daughter.”Click on this link to read more.
6) Ashley, 7 Y/O, Broward Health Medical Center

Ashley was a shy three year-old girl with a warm smile when she was initially diagnosed with Leukemia (ALL) on September 18th, 2008. She struggled physically and emotionally with a chemotherapy program lasting over three years to emerge as a cancer champion. The nightmare was over.
On October 8 2012, her parents received the heart breaking diagnosis that Ashley’s Leukemia had returned and that she would immediately have to begin another “more aggressive” chemotherapy program. Once again, Ashley’s mother is unable to work due to the care required by Ashley’s illness and medical needs. The family is struggling with this relapse, but Ashley is now older and more resilient so they remain very positive that together they will survive this second battle.
-Quote from Mother: “When my husband and I were given the devastating news, our world turned upside down; we couldn’t believe our only child was fighting cancer at only 3 years of age. My husband and I kept asking ourselves why, why our little girl.” Click on this link to read more.