OTHER NEWS: (click on links to view)
-Images of children JJCCF assisted during 2011
–JJCCF highlights 2011 – A Great Year!
-JJCCF is reaching out to help more children. We welcome our new partner Clinic and Hospital: alex’s place University of Miami at Sylvester Cancer Center, All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL. Our Vision is to serve ALL hospitals treating pediatric oncology in the state of Florida.
-JJCCF proudly welcomes our new staff: James De Anda, Director of Operations. James has been a JJCCF volunteer since 2008, is a childhood Leukemia survivor and is an MBA (E: [email protected], T: 954.770-1745).
-Premier Beverage & Bacardi USA “Share the Joy” ceremony sponsors 4 local children fighting cancer. Families in crisis each receive $2,000 to cover their basic human needs during a dreadful time. Carlos-10 y/o-Osteosarcoma, Jaiya-11 y/o-Leukemia, Alex-17 y/o-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Hiram-4 y/o-Brain Cancer relapse. During the quaint ceremony all participants interact and become new friends. The results are impactful and everyone shares a common thread of feeling joy from either giving or receiving a meaningful gift.

Thank you for your ongoing support, Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation