JJCCF Highlights 2011
Financials: In 2011 JJCCF’s budget grew 32% and contributions grew 19% thanks to the support of generous individuals, private foundations and corporations. Almost every penny raised during 2011 was applied to our Emergency Financial Assistance, Advocacy & Share the Joy Programs.
Financial Assistance Program: In 2011 the program benefited 318 children and family members-view photos. JJCCF prides itself on solving the immediate needs of children and families going through their most dreadful time. Without this ongoing program, many children undergoing cancer treatment would not have access to basic human necessities during times of crisis. JJCCF is the only non-profit in the South Florida tri-county area providing emergency financial assistance to families in crisis enduring all pediatric cancers.
Advocacy Program: In 2011 the Advocacy Program raised over $36,800 benefiting 55 individuals impacted by childhood cancer. JJCCF advocates for children in need fighting cancer to find alternative channels of support. The Foundation reaches out for outside support for these children and family members needing urgent assistance to survive a temporary crisis. These children have already received financial assistance, but their needs exceed JJCCF’s limited resources.
Share the Joy Program: “Share the Joy” raised $24,000 benefiting 53 children and family members in 2011. The fundraising program created in April 2010 encourages local businesses, groups and individuals to donate $2,000 to sponsor a family in crisis fighting childhood cancer. FLPanthers, FLPanthers II, MiaHerald, Sun-Sentinel

-3/31/11 the STAR Event at The Wasie Villa was magical for guests and the 3 chosen STAR children. MiaHerald, Sun-Sentinel, SouthFLSocial
-5/31/11 STAR Date brings joy to STAR children and family members. A day full of surprises and memories to treasure. Sun-Sentinel
-4/22/11 Ron Jon at Sawgrass Mills invites JJCCF children to design a special t-shirt. “Known for its iconic t-shirts, Ron Jon Surf Shop now turns the creative design process over to children from the Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation”. T-shirts were sold at Ron Jon store with proceeds benefiting JJCCF. Sun-Sentinel, MiaHerald, CH4-CBS-N4N, CH6-NBC,
-5/18/11 Latin2Latin hosts Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce fundraising event to benefit JJCCF.
-9/8/11 “Havana Night” event hosted by Allied Kitchen & Bath to benefit JJCCF during September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. SouthFLSocial
-11/29/11 Christmas on Las Olas – JJCCF tent with numerous teen volunteers attracts many visitors raising funds and awareness for the cause.
-12/10/11 “The Wasie Villa Boat Parade Party of the Season!” benefiting JJCCF.
-12/23/11 “A Cause for Kids” at Blue Martini benefits local JJCCF assisted kids attending the event.
-5 Fort Lauderdale Bus Loop events during 2011. On 8/27/11 Bus Loop has record braking attendance with 2,200 guests.

2011, A Great Year!