Financials: Despite the continuing economic challenges, in 2010 JJCCF’s budget grew nearly 60% and contributions grew nearly 50% thanks to the support of generous individuals, private foundations and corporations. Almost every penny raised during 2010 was applied to our Financial Assistance program. Also, the Foundation’s staff grew from a one to three employees.
- The Wasie Foundation was the highest private foundation contributor.
- Watermark Valuation Services was the highest corporate contributor.
- One of the Foundation’s Board members was the highest individual contributor.
Financial Assistance Program: In 2010 the program benefited 372 children and family members; a 92% increase from the previous year. JJCCF prides itself on solving the immediate needs of children and families going through their most dreadful time. Without this ongoing program, many children undergoing cancer treatment would not have access to basic human necessities during times of crisis.
Advocacy Program: This program raised approximately $23,000 plus additional benefits from collaborating charities for four local families in crisis enduring pediatric cancer. On 5/10, the STAR event at The Wasie Villa presented the children and family members with gift cards, toys and checks to cover their basic human needs.

Share the Joy Program: This marketing fundraising concept was created by one of our Board members, Derek Parsons, and launched in 4/10 with BankAtlantic sponsorship of a family in crisis. Share the Joy raised $16,000 benefiting 36 children and family members in 2010. We believe the innovative concept will fund 25% of our Financial Assistance program.