Dear JJCCF Friend,
During this Holiday season, the board of directors and staff of the Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation encourage you to be thankful for your blessings, and to remember those children in our community who are in need of basic human necessities and who will spend the holidays fighting cancer.
Although our economy has taken a downturn, cancer doesn’t wait for good economic times. Cancer continues to strike children. The need for financial assistance increases when times are difficult.
We hope you consider making a year-end, tax-deductible, contribution to help support our mission in 2009. Your support will give these children hope, access to basic human needs and a better chance to survive their fight for their young lives.
Happy Holidays and thank you for your consideration, love, and support,
Sandra Muvdi
Founder / President

Most Recent JJCCF Advocacy Video on Channel 10 ABC News:
As an advocate for children in need fighting cancer, JJCCF partnered with Local 10 Care Force and surprised single Mom with a new car. This is an amazing heartwarming story of a mother with a little girl diagnosed with Liver Cancer. The Mom and child had been relying on public transportation for treatment from two local hospitals and could not afford basic human necessities. Thank you Mayte Padron, Channel 10 ABC reporter, for your ongoing commitment to helping people in our community and Channel 10 ABC viewers.
Click on
the link:
Care Force: Mom Shocked, Surprised
With Car – Care Force News Story – WPLG Miami 3:54pm
Grants received during 2008:
JJCCF thanks The Wasie Foundation, Community Foundation of Broward, Barclays Capital, Ruden McClosky and Ultimate Software Group for their generous contributions and unconditional support.
Recognitions Ceremonies:

Recognition to Collaborating Partners:
We thank Atlantic Housing Foundation for providing free housing for our children / families on the verge of homelessness.
The mission of the Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation is to provide financial assistance for underprivileged children fighting cancer. As an advocate, we help raise additional funds through our media partners to ensure ill children maintain access to basic human necessities during times of crisis.