Kaiden, 5 Y/O, Jackson Memorial Hospital
In 2009, Kaiden was diagnosed with Leukemia just before he became 2 years old. Kaiden and his single mother endured 3 years of rigorous chemotherapy traveling back and forth for long periods of time from their home in the Bahamas to Miami Children’s Hospital. Kaiden suffered from the side effects of chemotherapy but maintained a happy disposition as if being sick and in the hospital was normal.
In 2013, the mother was horrified to learn that Kaiden had relapsed and would now need a bone marrow transplant to save his life. In January of this year, Kaiden received the transplant at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami but remains hospitalized due to post-transplant complications that continue to threaten his life. The mother is temporarily living at the Ronald McDonald House in Miami in order stay at her son’s side in this nearly 4 year battle. The family is emotionally exhausted and financially desperate for help (having to make tradeoffs among basic human needs).
Kaiden and his family need immediate help to pay for food, transportation and clothing.