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Your Donations Became Victories

JJCCF Friend, during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we invite you to celebrate the victories of a few children we assisted thanks to your generosity.

Your Donations Became Victories for …

Alexa rang the Victory Bell after 2½ years fighting Leukemia. We assisted Alexa and her family through their emotional and financial struggles. Seeing the family come out victoriously was incredibly gratifying.

Donor support had a significant impact on this family being able to conquer adversity.

Celebrating Valeria’s triumph against Lymphoma. Photo of the vibrant 16 y/o ringing the symbolic victory bell at our office.

Mother’s quoter: “JJCCF hugged me in the most loving way during moments of darkness. They gave me hope and their love to help us find alternatives to alleviate the pain and fear within me. JJCCF was the support I needed when I thought no one was listening to me.

As a mother, I was terrified, and the Foundation showed me Valeria and I were not alone.”

We celebrate Brooklyn’s emotional victory against stage IV Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

The 13 y/o and her family of (8) received our emergency assistance to help pay for a washer/dryer and 6 months of auto insurance soon after being diagnosed early this year. Brooklyn is now excited to be back in school with her friends again.

Celebrating Rose’s emotional victory after 2 long years fighting Leukemia. The brave 5 y/o and her parents received our emergency assistance to cover grocery and gas expenses when they most needed it. This little champ aspires to become a doctor, learn how to swim and take painting lessons.

Father’s quote: “JJCCF does an excellent job at providing crucial assistance to children who need it. In addition, they provided such kind words and emotional support. I am extremely grateful to all donors.”

Camila bravely fought Leukemia over 2½ years and recently rang the victory bell. While her single mother was struggling financially, we helped pay their mortgage several months, HOA, new tires, groceries and gas for transport.

Mother’s quote: “Words are scarce to describe the immense gratitude I feel towards Jessica June for their financial support, love, kindness and empathy during this difficult time. I was laid off at work, but, I only cared about my daughter’s health. I am the only provider and my entire family lives in Cuba and cannot help me financially. Thanks to JJCCF’s help paying my mortgage, we did not lose our home and I drew STRENGTH to continue fighting day by day with my daughter.

To all the people who have donated to help us while in need of compassion and unconditional help, I am infinitely grateful!!!”

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Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation | 1 Las Olas Circle, Ste 209 | Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 US

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