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Thanksgiving Newsletter

Help Little Warriors David, Mahki and Ahmad
Hello Friends of JJCCF.
During this special time to give thanks, consider giving to children in need. Today we share the stories of (3) children in our Advocacy Program. Our goal is to raise upwards of $1,000 for each of their families to assure their basic needs are met during the Holidays. Each family is fighting childhood cancer and facing an avalanche of crises. Giving these families a hand, will let them know they are not fighting alone. ANY AMOUNT $ is greatly appreciated!
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving,
Sandra Muvdi, MBA, President/ CEO
Donate Online by clicking this “DONATE” button
Mail Check payable to “JJCCF” to:
Jessica June Children’s Cancer Foundation
1 Las Olas Circle, Ste 209, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
David, 4 years old
Nicklaus Children’s Hospital
 As David fought Brain Cancer/ Autism, his mother suddenly died; now his Grandmother, despite her double dose of heartache, is his full time caregiver. Help is needed to care for David. You can be an angel for this sweet child these Holidays.
Mahki, 8 years old
Salah Foundation Children’s Hospital at Broward Health & Jackson Memorial Hospital
Mom needs help after her son relapses with Leukemia and receives a lifesaving Bone Marrow Transplant. Share your compassion with Mahki and his family these Holidays.
Ahmad, 16 months old
Salah Foundation Children’s Hospital at Broward Health
Little Ahmad is fighting Liver Cancer spread to his lungs. His father is not able to work as he cares for Ahmad and his twin brother 24/7. Help this family enjoy the Holidays.
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